You don't have to wear mom's genes

Or dad's, for that matter. 

Remember when those were fashionable? Yikes. Thankfully, styles change.  And luckily science does too.

It used to be readily acceptable to blame all your health problems on your genes. "I can't lose weight; I just have my grandma's hips." "All of my relatives had cancer so that's why I ended up with it too." Sound familiar?

Well, friends, times are a changin'.  Science behind the above statements has been evolving for decades, but the research is only becoming more mainstream now. Disappointingly, some people still haven't heard about the advancements. And it's the most exciting thing since, well, low-rise jeans. It's exciting because it enables us to take control of our health.  Your family's health history IS NOT doomed to become your own. Unless you're determined to hold onto that excuse and not make necessary changes in your life. But I know you Voluptuous Lifers wouldn't do such a thing.

The advancements I'm talking about are in the field of epigenetics.  In layman's terms, epigenetics is the study of how external or environmental factors can turn genes on and/or off. What environmental factors are being studied?  Lots. But diet and lifestyle are two of my favorites. Some experts are drawing conclusions that a healthy, organic, plant-based diet and a lifestyle aimed at reducing stress and avoiding toxins could be key to turning on the good genes and turning off the bad ones.

This is a growing field of science. More studies are being conducted and evidence is being gathered.  But that doesn't mean we should just "coach-potato it" until all the results are in.  We can reap the benefits now. I have been putting healthy practices to the test myself for over a decade. Sure I do research and read lots of studies and experts' insights on the latest in health and wellness, but the best gauge for what works for me and what doesn't, is seeing for myself. I'm basically my own scientific experiment. And every year (on one of my favorite day's of the year) I get validation that what I'm doing is working.

I'll give you a hint what that favorite day is. It typically happens less than a week after I perform my favorite kind of work.

What's my favorite kind of work? Well, I guess I should say charity work, but for the sake of this article, it's.....


Yup, I love getting my blood work done.  Well, not the actual drawing of the blood part, but the results part.  And that, therefore, is my favorite day of the year. (If you're a client, friend or family member, you also know that I LOVE when you get your results back and share them with me.)

Why do I love blood work so much? 1. I value seeing my efforts reflected in the scientific data.  To me, it's hard proof that mindful diet and lifestyle choices positively affect our health.  Sure, I know what I do works because my clients and I feel great and notice positive results, but labs reports put everything in writing; black and white. 2. It's extremely important to monitor your health year to year, to make sure things are staying consistent. Catching an imbalance right away often leads to a more successful resolution/healing.  This is also why it is imperative you review your labs with your doctor thoroughly and also keep a copy for your records to compare them year to year. Do not let your doctor simply say "your blood work looks good".  Discuss the numbers together, over the past few years. Are they stable and consistent?  Do they reflect how you look? How you feel?  What may be in range for the average population as a whole may not be the IDEAL range for you. Do your own research to see what the latest experts are saying about what tests should be taken and what numbers are ideal. It may sound like a lot of work, but you have to be responsible for your own well-being and be your own advocate. Your doctor may have your best interests at heart, but he/she sees HUNDREDS of patients. And they are under the influence of the insurance and pharmaceutical companies.  You only have to be in charge of yourself (and your dependents) and you know that your motivations are pure- SO do an amazing job at it. Your life depends on it.

Maybe you want to make the argument that perhaps I just have good genes and that's why my blood work is so good.  Nope.  Well, yes, my genes have something to do with it, obviously.  But because I monitor my blood tests year to year (and request additional tests recommended by top wellness experts that traditional doctors don't normally do) I have seen changes in my numbers happen based on specific dietary/lifestyle changes I have made.  I have seen "potential issues" completely disappear from my blood results based on the changes, I alone, knew to make because I do my homework.

This is also important to note.  My doctors are always blown away with my cholesterol levels.  Last year the doctor said that he almost thought there was a mistake because it was so healthy (and not what he usually sees). This year, my new doctor said "Wow, your cholesterol is amazing.  You must have great genes and a good lifestyle".  I replied that nearly everyone in my immediate family has high cholesterol and is or was on meds for it.  She smiled and said "then you should just keep doing what you're doing". That, is epigenetics as play.  And I'm helping to steer it.

I tell you all this, not to brag, but to empower you too to take control of your health. I could also share many client stories of changes happening in their blood work from diet and lifestyle changes alone, despite their doctors telling them they NEEDED to go on medication to get any results.

Get excited about playing an active role in the only life you've got- in this lifetime, anyway : ) After all, you deserve to look and feel great in your genes.

Kristen JoyComment